Virtual Reference Adventure

The Adventure Begins...

Things You'll Need
Along the Way

A Plan picture
Basic Skills
Interview Skills
About this site...

Promoting Information Literacy...

Chat reference offers an ideal mechanism for improving skills that patrons need for searching and using online resources effectively. How does a patron determine whether a Web site is trustworthy or up-to-date? By searching with the patron, explaining the process, and offering guidelines for evaluating what they see on the screen, you provide tools for future use. Resources that explain the value of chat for information literacy instruction are on this page. What happens next?

  1. What if your users don't really understand the difference between Web sites and licensed databases?
  2. After dealing with homework questions all day, take a break.
  3. Do your service partners value instruction?
Advice for the trip


Your Lifelines...
Introduction to Information Literacy (ACRL)
Alberta Library Virtual Reference Training Materials
Promoting Information Problem Solving in Digital Reference


Think About Ask Yourself More to Explore
Take a Break
Developed by the Statewide Virtual Reference Project, Washington State Library, a division of the Office of the Secretary of State.
Funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services through the Library Services and Technology Act.

Last Modified: April 18, 2006