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Characteristics Search

Comparative Search

Directory Search

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By operating income/expenditures


By State

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Welcome to the Library Networks, Cooperatives and Consortia database, which make the results of the 2006-2007 survey available in three easy to use search interfaces.

  • Characteristics Search: Search by one or more organization characteristics.
  • Comparative Search: Specify a base organization, and locate its profile and those of organizations with characteristics similar to the chosen parameters.
  • Directory Search: Search by organization name or location.

There are also two shortcuts in the left navigation area that provide quick access to popular information.

  • Financial: Generate a list and then view the profiles of organizations within the chosen expenditure range.
  • State: Generate a list and then view the profiles of organizations within the chosen state(s).

To learn more about using the search options or to download a podcast to hear about the history of the project, see the Tutorials & Resources library.





This project was funded in part by a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, and is coordinated by the ALA Office for Research & Statistics (ORS) in collaboration with the Association of Specialized and Cooperative Agencies (ASCLA).